Monday, November 3, 2008

A Tribute to Birthmoms

As you all know, November is Adoption Awareness month. These days, my heart and mind have been drifting a lot to Texas, the birth state of our first daughter. I think about her birthmom and weep with overwhelming gratitude of the choice she made for Naomi. We live in a culture that is SO approving of abortion ..... yet her birthmom chose the most courageous choice for her in giving her life. She had no support network, in fact not even her immediate family knew of her pregnancy ... yet she chose LIFE.

We never had the opportunity to meet her in person. It was her wishes that the adoption be closed. Because of Naomi's health issues (which she had no prior knowledge of), we spent our first days together in the critical care unit of Texas Children's Hospital. While there, she learned that her little girl had a family. She gave Naomi something we couldn't .... life. And now it's up to us to take that baton and be there for her all the days of her life.

So often when Naomi curls up in my lap for snuggles, my mind drifts to her birthmom. I am SO grateful for all the choices she made for this precious child. I pray that she is at peace knowing her little girl has a family who are absolutely crazy in love with her. One of the things her birthmom wanted us to know about her is that she loved to laugh. Naomi has this most wonderful little mischievious giggle that adds such a fun sense of spice to our home. It makes me think of her birthmom with such great joy. We may never see each other this side of heaven ..... but her birthmom will always be treasured in our family and her legacy honored.

This video by Mark Shultz is such a touching tribute to his birthmom. It encompasses so many aspects of adoption. As we enter Adoption Awareness month, may we become more aware of the journey of birthmoms. May we be sensitive to their needs and their heartache. May we be challenged by their courage to choose LIFE.

Lord, may you pour out your mercy on all the women today who are struggling through a pregnancy. May they see you as the giver of Life and may they trust you. May we all be sensitive to women in our lives that need someone to walk with them. Stir in us Lord to help them. Make us aware of their needs. Will you pour out your blessing on the women that gave our daughters LIFE. Heal their hearts and give them renewed strength. May they always know how much their children will be loved and cherished.


Vashti said...

I love the photo of the 2 of you.
I also think about the birthmoms often. Our boys were both abandoned in quite tramatic ways and sometimes i find myself asking GOd to give these two women peace and a knowing that their boys are safe and in the family that He chose for them. I can not imagine spending my life wondering what happened to my newborn baby that i left in a bathroom somewhere in Durban!!
I thank God for my boys every day.

solas4me said...

I thank God everyday for our sweet little girl's birthmom, for without her we wouldn't have come to love this sweet little girl. I thank God that someone loved "A" the first year of her life. She is a healthy little girl and for that we are so grateful. I wonder in my mind what brought "A" to be abandoned, I'll probably never know. I pray too that God will give "A"'s family a peace that surpasses all understanding in knowing that she is loved by yet another family.

Thanks Shelly for this tribute...